How are you reporting on FRT?


  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi CJ,

    On our end, we use the "Ticket Assigned - XXXX" Attribute.
  • CJ Johnson

    The fact that Zendesk doesn't use the built in first reply time for reporting says a lot. Mainly, that it's so bad as a metric, that even Zendesk can't use it. Yikes. Well, at least I know I'm not doing something wrong, this is just a(nother) poorly thought out feature implementation that's non-functional on a practical level.

  • Maryann Remy

    Hello. I am running into the same issue. Does Zendesk not have an FRT timestamp to run reports off of? Using "Ticket Assigned - XXXX", you will still miss tickets if running monthly reporting. Tickets assigned in Feb with a March FRT will get excluded from both Feb and March reporting. Any other suggestions?

  • James G
    Hi Maryann,

    Unfortunately, we don't have that natively but you may create a custom attribute using the recipe we have here -Explore recipe: Creating a ticket first reply date attribute然后把它作为你的约会过滤器。

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