支持——打破附件的能力link in an outbound ticket update email


  • Rusty Gregory
    Zendesk Employee

    Jackson Vukovic - ADM

    Thanks for the feedback. That is a great question and very interesting feature. I will document this and see who would be the best person to give you an accurate response.

  • Chika Chima
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiJackson Vukovic - ADM

    Thanks for taking the time to writing out your use case!

    This was interesting to read and have documented this potential use case and feature. I would like to circle back with you to set up time for a chat to dig deeper into this such as see what features like about sharepoint or one drive in regards to attachment that will allow for more efficient workflow for your day to day :)

  • Jackson Vukovic - ADM

    Hi Chika & Rusty - thanks so much for your comments back!

    I would be happy to catch up and chat on it if it might be something Zendesk wants to look into further/consider.

    Let me know! :-)


  • Chika Chima
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Jackson Vukovic - ADM

    Sure thing! I will private message you and set up a time to talk with me and possibly other PMs

  • Jackson Vukovic - ADM

    HiChika Chima

    Perfect, thank you - please reach out anytime.

    Jackson :-)


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