

  • Gab Guinto
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Dave,

    It's not possible to present these datapoints in a single report. You will have to create separate reports using different datasets.

    To compare the number of unsolved tickets at the end or beginning of each day, you can use the Backlog history dataset. SeeAnalyzing your ticket backlog history with Explore. Backlog (unsolved) count is recorded every midnight – you can use this to see the count of unsolved tickets for each Backlog recorded - Date. You also have the option to slice/filter by Status and by Assignee.

    为解决门票数,你很快就会回来的l need to create a report using the Tickets or Updates history dataset. You can use the Ticket solved - Date and Assignee name to slice your Solved tickets or Tickets solved metric.

    Because these are from different datasets, it's not possible to pull the data in a single report. You can create separate reports and then add them to one dashboard if you need to see the data in a single view.

    Hope this helps. Thanks Dave!

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