What is the maximum size data that can be stored as a custom object?


  • Ashwin Raju

    Higraham.robson- Currently the limits are on the custom object record size (32KB) and we havent set explicit limits on Text area field type.. However, we may be considering it in the future to match with the limits on Ticketing field mentionedhere.. Do you see a use case that could be a problem for you?

  • graham.robson
    的OG - 2021

    Hey Ashwin - Thanks for clarifying.

    的use case we are looking is to hold app configuration data (JSON format). However, this can get pretty large and certainly more than 32K/64K

    Ideally, looking for:

    MEDIUMBLOB Up to 16 Mb
    LONGBLOB Up to 4 Gb

    Thanks, Graham

  • 马修·W

    graham.robsonI find this use case interesting. From a product registration or asset management perspective we are storing files in a different system. Is this size you are looking for to meet file attachment requirements?

    If so this is something that our team would also find helpful.

  • graham.robson
    的OG - 2021

    Our Zendesk ZAF Apps define their configuration data in a JSON format, a single large file that can readily break a 64K limit, hence requesting a Medium/Long BLOB. While our is a specific use case, Asset Management often must accommodate large attachments. There would not be many of them i.e. not scaling with ticket or user numbers.


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