Explore Reporting for Custom Objects


  • Ashwin Raju

    Hi Shayan - We are looking at Explore across 3 phases:

    1) Phase 1: Ability to create Ticket Reports using Lookup field values on Tickets. For eg: Count of Tickets across all Associated Products (Lookup field on Ticket pointing to Custom Object = Product Catalog) OR Count of Tickets across all Sites on Requesters (in your case)
    2) Phase 2:Ability to create reports on Fields in a Lookup field values on Tickets. For eg: Count of Tickets across all Associated Products -> Category (Lookup field on Ticket pointing to Custom Object = Product Catalog and Category is a Drop down within the Product catalog custom object )
    3) Phase 3: Ability to create reports in Custom Object Records using fields within a Custom object record. For eg: Number of return orders across multiple product types
    We are targeting to release Phase 1 by end of Q3. For other phases, I dont have the timelines yet

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