Clickable ticket links as default behaviour


8 Comentarios

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    Eugene Orman

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you for the patience and time you took to share this feedback with us. The clickable links feature was released a few weeks ago and is available for the ID attributes like Ticket ID, User ID and Organization ID.

    Here it is in action:

  • Sean Serrels

    +1 this.. I'd love to use Explore but without the clickable links, the reports I'm setting up aren't useful.

  • Pete Holborow

    @...are you aware of this work around?

    It's annoying that you have to use a workaround when Insights has this as default, but it does work. However it doesn't work in Drilllthrough.

  • Sean Serrels

    Thanks Pete, I think I had found that once a while ago. Of course, I went to create a new report and couldn't find the article again ;)

    I agree, it seems like an oversight that it doesn't work as it did in Insights. Hopefully they'll be able to fix it as the move forward.. after-all, it's just a "couple lines of code" right?

  • Anthony Garcia Jr.

    I concur that this is a useful functionality. Please consider and make it happen!

  • Pete Holborow

    @...when you've created the attribute you can use it in all of your queries. Useful, but not the same as native functionality.

    I have no idea how hard to implement this would be, but if it's possible to 'make the system do it' via the workaround it must be possible to make it do it natively.

  • Sara Gardinier

    Another vote for this functionalitywithindrillthrough! Clickable links is fine from the query, but I truly believe this should just be native functionality when using drillthrough. It seems counter intuitive that it is not naturally occurring behavior.


    The other problem with this clickable workaround is that the export of the file/query leaves you with information that is not usable.


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