Show article category in reporting


21 Comentarios

  • Comentario oficial
    Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi everyone, yesterday we started releasing the knowledge base dataset improvements. You can read theannouncement here, and you will all see the update no later than February 25. As always, I'm curious to hear your feedback on Guide reporting. This thread though, I'm marking as "Completed".


  • Sam
    Community Moderator

    This would be helpful for us to break up analytics by team responsible for the content. We can pull section information, but not categories. It is possible to obtain this data by creating custom attributes by manually grouping together section IDs, but having access to Category in Explore would make this easier.

  • Kevin Montgomery

    This would be a really helpful improvement. We have our help center categorized by the products we offer to our clients. I would like to be able to report out on article views by the overall product (category) rather than the sections. There are a lot of sections so it makes reporting on product category difficult.

  • Alex Duffey

    It makes no sense to me that you can filter by section but not category. Please add this. It would be EXTREAMLY helpful for us with our reporting of internal vs external KB.

  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    ThanksVitalii Zhidkovand everybody for sharing your feedback on article categories.

    I agree that having the category filter would be a valuable improvement and would make your data grouping easier on the dashboard. Therefore, this additional filter is definitely on our radar to add to the current dataset. I will update the post once we have a more precise timing to share.

    Many thanks for your contribution!

  • ingrid MARIOTTI

    Thanks a lot

  • ingrid MARIOTTI

    HiOrsolya Forster,

    Do you have some new's about category ?

  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hiingrid MARIOTTI,

    Thanks for your question. We're currently working on new dashboards in Explore such as the Search Analytics and Community Engagement reporting, so we can provide access to all Guide data in a single platform. According to our plans, we will be able to iterate on the Knowledge Base dashboard next year. Once we have the category filter on our roadmap, I will update this community thread.
    Kind regards!

  • Michael H


    Any news on when this opportunity might be available this year?

    Thanks a lot

  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi Michael,

    I can confirm that we will be adding article category to the Explore dataset in Q2. I mark this thread as "Planned".


  • Michael H

    Hi Orsolya,

    Thanks for the update!

  • Gwyn Mabo

    Hi, is there any update to this feature? I'm currently spending hours on manually totalling up article views (we have a large Help Centre), where if this reporting option existed it would take a minute.

  • Martin Cubitt

    + 1我,这将是真正有用的组织形式sing reporting from Guide. Publish/unpublished status would be nice too.

  • ingrid MARIOTTI

    Hi ,

    Do you have some news about the category of guide in the explore dashboard ?

  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi all,

    We needed to reschedule the release of this attribute to Q3 due to other priorities. We understand how important this is for your reporting, the category attribute also is a priority on our roadmap.


  • Rob Purton

    I would like to bump this and I would like to be able to drill down into sections and subsections. Seems like a big gap in the reporting tools.

  • Alex Finster-Rowen

    Please can we have an update on the expected release of the category filter in the reporting yet?

  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Alex Finster-Rowenwe are working on this feature as we speak, the expected release is in early Q4.

  • Martin Cubitt

    Orsolya ForsterSo this is expected this month (October), would you say?

  • Desma Tucker

    HiOrsolya Forster, do you have any updates on the release of this at all?

  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi all, the release has shifted to the end of February. Thanks for your patience, we don't expect more delays.



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