Away status and reporting


17 Comentarios

  • Chanteena Murphy

    Agreed! I want to be able to report on available time and away time via Explore!

    Additionally, I want to be able to have a Lunch/Break status in talk/chat as planned/allocated time in the day and only use "Away" as unallocated/unplanned time out of the system.

  • Taylor Green

    Agreed this is needed from a reporting aspect and is a key metric for any call center. I'm unsure as to why it isn't added in Explore as it was easily accessible in Insights.

  • Christopher Wooten

    Is there any update on this issue.

  • Karen Hynes
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi all,

    Karen Hynes here, I've recently joined Zendesk as a Product Manager and I will be focusing on Agent Activity reporting over the coming months!

    I am following up on different threads currently as there is a lot of discussion on this topic, which is great to see and hear. The feedback on this thread is well noted, however, there is also a conversation on this topic over on this thread:Zendesk Talk: Allow Reporting on Agent Availability. It would be great to get further feedback and discussion over there or even to use as a point of reference for updates.



  • Amie Brennan

    heyKaren Hynes

    Is there any update on when agent status reporting for talk will come out?

    I have some large customers using ZD who are绝望to report on this. One of them runs 25+ numbers on their account with 70+ agents and it's really hard to manage this right now.



  • Karen Hynes
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hey Amie,

    Thanks for getting in touch, we are aiming for a q2 release (please note this can be subject to change), I will make sure to update this thread with the most recent information I have!

    All the best,


  • Luis Freitas

    Karen Hynes- Is there an update available or has the addition of this ZenDesk functionality been replaced by

    Tymeshift is not cheap


  • Luis Freitas

    Karen Hynes——跟进这…谢谢!

  • Karen Hynes
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi all,

    To provide an update here- We are aiming for a GA release of this dataset at the start of Q3 (I will update here if this timeline changes). Within this dataset, customers will be able to report onagent statuses per channelandwork items assigned to agents per channel. This data will be available at adaily aggregated levelto begin with and we will be enhancing this dataset to provide more granular timestamp and timeline views in due course.

    This dataset will not provide parity with Tymeshift,Luis Freitas. We are aiming to provide more agent status, performance and productivity metrics over time within our overall reporting vision but our focus now is on version 1 and the metrics mentioned above. Please feel free to get in touch if you have specific use-cases or metrics you would like to see available within Explore.

    If there's any further questions, please feel free to comment below,



  • Karen Hynes
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiLuis Freitas,

    Please refer to the followingthreadfor more detailed updates but we aiming for a q3 release for this dataset!



  • Luis Freitas

    Thank you!

  • Sandeep Jindal

    Karen Hynes——当我们才能期望报告功能代理tatus? It is detrimental not to have any report to understand how agents spent their time. Also, the live agent status view must be available on all plans and not just on Enterprise. Again a basic for any contact center.

  • Karen Hynes
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiSandeep Jindal,

    We are still on track for an EAP in q4 of this year. Please keep following this thread andZendesk Talk: Allow Reporting on Agent Availabilityto keep up to date on these announcements. If there are any changes with our EAP timeline I will make sure to update these posts.



  • Tom Erik Skjønsberg

    Karen Hynes

    When did the status reporting get put back on EAP? At the end of May this year you wrote:

    We have removed the requirement for EAP for this dataset and as a result, we will be moving straight to GA at the start of Q3.

    Now this was not only moved to Q4, but also put back on the EAP?

  • Stephen White

    Karen Hynesany further update on this one?


  • Karen Hynes
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hi all,

    I have provided an update on theZendesk Talk: Allow Reporting on Agent Availabilitythread. I would like to reiterate, we have faced a number of obstacles in the development of this feature and we are working extremely hard on it's release. It is still atop priorityfor us and we are currently undergoing bug fixing, once that is complete we will provide an update relating to theEAPlaunch.

    Thank you for your co-operation,


  • John Costello
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hey everyone,On Tuesday, February 7th at 11 AM CST, the product team will be hosting a PM Roundtable on Explore: Live Data and other features of Explore. We really want to hear from you and discuss what you would like to see improved. This is an opportunity to chat directly with product managers, so if you have feedback you want to share, please register today!


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