Explore - Dashboard Email Delivery options


28 Comentarios

  • Joan

    100% agree with the above, not being able to schedule to an individual is frustrating

  • Alex M

    来这里拉ise that first point! Rather than, say, having 10 dashboards, with one for each product, it would be much cleaner to have one dashboard called "Product Reports", then multiple tabs in that dashboard, each for one product, and each sent out to the relevant group.

    @Tim, it looks like Zendesk are already planning on allowing reports sent to individual users as well as groups, perthis thread.

  • Lohith S

    I was able to schedule Dashboards to End-Users in the organizations using Zendesk Insights Private Schedules created on Dashboard. The same feature/functionality is not at all available in Zendesk Explore which is supposed to be an advanced reporting tool. Dashboards are mainly useful at a Management level and external customer heads who might not be available in Zendesk. We should be able to include them in the dashboard mailing list. This should be a basic feature of any dashboard.

  • Vincent Dollet

    Hi Tim, all,

    Many thanks for taking the time to share your feedback.

    We have quite a few improvements planned in the realm of collaboration & distribution:

    Sharing live interactive dashboards outside Zendesk -The intention is to enable you to share a whole interactive dashboard with anyone via public or password-protected links. This will enable you to share specific dashboards with partners, or simply beam a dashboard on a live monitor. We're working on this improvement - indicative timeline: end Q3 2019 TBC.

    Light Agents support -We're working on enabling you to grant view access to Explore for Light Agents. So, customers with the add-on will be able to share & schedule dashboards with stakeholders with a light agent seat. This will be super handy to disseminate information with management & co. We're working on this improvement - indicative timeline: end Q3 2019 TBC

    Scheduling dashboards with individual agents -At the moment, you can share dashboards with Support groups. This is not sufficient, and we're fully aware of it. We're planning to enable you to schedule dashboards with individual agents. We can't commit to a timeline yet - but I hope we can ship it by end of year.

    Scheduling dashboards with any email address- We fully appreciate that you may need to schedule dashboards to be delivered in your partners' or customers' email inboxes. We're also planning to address that use case as soon as we can. We don't have a firm timeline yet and we'll communicate with the community as soon as we know more.

    PDF formatting- We would like to improve the quality of the PDF reports we generate to make it easier for you to share appealing dashboards with your stakeholders. Timeline is still TBC.

    and there's a lot more coming!

    While we heard on a few occasions the need to schedule tabs only, it hasn't been identified as a top priority ask yet. Let me add this to the backlog. Happy to bump the priority if this ask gets momentum from the community.

  • Matt McCluskey

    I would like to add a request to the topic of scheduling deliveries of Dashboards.

    I'd like to request a bit more control over the timing. What I mean by this is the ability to have dashboards sent Weekkdays only, not on weekends, or "every other Tuesday", or whatever the user many need.

    Much like Google Calendar when you create a repeating event, there are many options available to pick an choose how you want it to occur.

    Thank you Zendesk!

  • Sidd

    Hi Vincent,

    美好的一天。我想检查是否PDF Formatting topic also include the reports can be scheduled in Excel or CSV?

    Right now, when I want to schedule the report it's only giving me the option to send PDF format reports. Do we have any plan to allow the schedule the reports to support excel or CSV format as well?

    I'm referring to your updates as below 2 months back.


    Thank you in advance.

  • Joan

    As we are approaching the end of Q3 I'm wondering where Zendesk is at with Sharing live interactive dashboards outside Zendesk? Look forward to hearing an update.

  • Rafael Paiva

    Need an update about sharing dashboards externally / for light agents as well.

  • SMB

    Yes I totally agree to the above item. I dont want to send a dashboard. I need to be able to schedule an excel file out to certain email address for individuals, that are not in ZD.. nor do they need to go to a dashboard link to download the file they need.

  • Vincent Dollet

    Dear all,

    In the next few weeks, we will be launching an EAP which will enable you to share live dashboards with individuals outside Zendesk by creating public or password-protected links.

    The possibility to schedule dashboard deliveries (in the format of your choosing like excel) with individuals outside Zendesk is planned in 2020.

    Kind regards


  • Stephen Belleau
    Community Moderator

    Hi Vincent,

    I won't be able to participate in the EAP, but wanted to share feedback that it's important to have the ability for shared dashboards to be behind SSO, and not just a password-protected link.


  • Vincent Dollet

    Hi Stephen, thanks for your feedback. Would you be able to describe the ideal workflow for you? Many thanks

  • Stephen Belleau
    Community Moderator

    Sure. Ideally, we can generate the public or password protected link, but since that link still goes to mydomain.zendesk.com where we have setup SSO, the users will still have to sign in before accessing company data. The same way we can set up an internal help center that's behind company SSO authentication.

    Our use case is that we need to share dashboards with users who don't have a license, but they should not be shared with anyone outside the company.

  • Vincent Dollet

    感谢分享这个使用case Stephen. In this case, best may be to get the Collaboration Add-on, which will enable you to share live dashboards with individuals within your company w/o requiring them to have a full seat.

  • Andrew S

    Is there still a plan to improve PDF export? Right now it seems to render the report as an image and plop it into a PDF. What we really need are PDFs like we got out of GoodData.

    (Our work-around right now is to export as CSV and drop it into Power BI to give us something we can proudly distribute)

  • Vincent Dollet

    Hi Andrew, thanks for reaching out. We are still planning to improve the quality of PDF (and excel) exports. We'll be able to share more information on the timeline early 2020. Many thanks for your patience

  • Paul Ambro

    I don't see the ability to schedule delivery yet externally with an email address. Is that something also available or upcoming?

  • Vincent Dollet

    Hi@..., yes we are planning to introduce scheduling outside of Zendesk (i.e. with email addresses) in 2020.

  • Fiona

    Hi - is there an update on being able to send dashboards externally?

  • Fiona

    Will it be a service included with Explore Professional?

  • Vincent Dollet

    Dear all,

    We have released this week the possibility toschedule dashboards with individual agents. Here's an update on this different projects I was mentioning earlier on:

    • Sharing live interactive dashboards outside Zendesk: in EAP (seeEAP community incl sign-up)
    • Light Agents support for customers on Support Enterprise: in EAP (seeEAP community incl sign-up)
    • Light Agents support for customers on Support Professional: in 2020
    • Scheduling with individual agents: live
    • Scheduling with email addresses outside Zendesk: in 2020

    Kind regards


  • Tanawat Oonwattana

    there should be an option to schedule a report out 'at the end of the month'.

    currently it allows just to select dates.

  • Joachim Van der Goten

    I'd like to raise this.

    Especially the option of sharing a tab instead of the entire dashboard + an option to share on weekdays or "working days" coupled with the schedule in Zendesk Support.

  • Danica Delia

    +1 to Tim's first point in his initial post.

    I agree that it would be helpful to be able to schedule individual tabs on a dashboard for delivery to separate recipients, as opposed to only being able to set a delivery schedule at a dashboard-level.

  • Matt McLean
    Community Moderator

    Would be nice to be able to embed the dashboard into the email itself, too, even if only as pngs, rather than as an attached pdf, csv, or xls file.

  • Cesar Jimenez

    Is there a plan to provide more of a custom schedule delivery? We'd like to share the same dashboards at the beginning and end of the week, so having a weekly delivery with the option to select multiple days would be helpful.

    Currently, one would have to schedule multiple deliveries for the same dashboard.

  • Permanently deleted user

    To Matt's comment, there are other tools, like Domo, which allow the dashboard to be embedded within the body of the email. I would prefer to just create the dashboards in Zendesk and not have to do so in a third-party tool. Our executive team would like to receive the actual content in the body of the email which is slightly faster than opening up attachments AND it would ideal to be able to drill-down. Clicking on an area of the email body would then open the query to be able to drill-down into the underlying data.

  • Adrian Morales

    100% agree with the above


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