Request to get 'Variable filters' working in Explore


44 Comentarios

  • Vincent Dollet

    Hi Tim,

    Many thanks for reaching out.

    Good news - we've started looking into the best ways that would enable you to create, share and distribute individual dashboards which will help agents improve by having a better understanding of their own performance over time vs an aggregate of their team.

    This means that the data rendered in live / scheduled dashboards would automatically adjust based on the recipient / consumer.

    While I definitely see this as a critical capability - we don't have a firm timeline as of yet. We'll communicate as soon as we have more information. Thanks for your continued patience

  • Tim G

    Good to know - and thanks for reaching out Vincent!!

    Let me know if you need any volunteers for pilot / beta etc :) Would be happy to do that!

  • Jorge Hueso

    Hi there,

    We would be also very interested in this feature. With use the the 'Insights variables' to adapt the information shown in our reports depending on the group, the agent was assigned to. This ease the creation and management of reports extremely, since the reports could be shared by all agents.

    Well, I am following this request. I hope you plan this feature in Explore soon!

    Thanks and best regards,

  • Jesse

    I'm happy that this is being looked into and hope that it becomes a high priority to get into Explore. We're in the process of transitioning to ZenDesk and not having the ability for agents to have their own dashboard (without creating individual dashboards for 60+ people) is a feature decline from what we've had in our legacy system.

    Agents love to see their own stats on a consistent basis, is there any timeline on this as of yet (asking again because the last staff update here was 5 months ago)?

  • Carl Cassar

    We would also be very interested in this feature!

  • Vincent Dollet

    Hi Jesse, Carl,

    Thanks for showing your interest in this feature. This is a candidate for 2020. We will be sharing more information as plans firm up.

    Many thanks for your patience,

    Kind regards


  • Alexander Hett

    Hi Vincent,

    I would be interested as well in this feature. Are there any news on this topic?

    Thanks and kind regards,


  • Vladimir Petrushenka


    我们刚刚收到通知邮件来自欧盟gene stating that Dynamic dashboards will be available soon.

    Would you be able to clarify:

    1. Will we be able to schedule them to end users?

    2. Do you have an approx timeline as when the feature will be released? We rely on scheduling to external users quite a lot(to our partners) and would be great for us to know when roughly we could start using so we don't invest into alternative options in the meantime.

    Thanks a lot for working on this!

  • Tim G

    Interesting! Good to hear... Vincent, do you have any info on that too please?

    As well as the variable filter component, we're really keen to get the email version of that working too - so that you can schedule a dashboard to go to group X, and person 1 get's person 1's dashboard data, person 2 gets person 2's dashboard data etc...


  • Skyscanner Limited (bookwithskyscanner)

    Big +1 on this - as Vincent mentioned, it really is a critical capability - not just for agents, but for us to be able to email to external third parties as well with our set up

  • Harriet Klymchuk

    Adding another +1; we have over 100 agents who get their feedback (CSAT comments, performance metrics like resolution time etc) distributed to them via managers or team leads whenever time allows (generally once a month for performance reviews), but it would be really valuable for agents to have a way to view this in their own individual dashboards that they can monitor when they like and have direct visibility of their performance throughout the month.

    Building individual dashboards that get emailed out isn't feasible or scalable, and giving access to a dashboard that also contains the performance data of other agents isn't acceptable from a HR/privacy perspective. A "current user" filter would fix this.

  • Michael Foster

    +1 here. 100% agree with Harriet. Any updates on this request? 2020 is fast coming to a close. We also have a larger number of agents and proposing an individually managed dashboard for them to view their performance is not a good solution.

  • Thomas Goseberg

    这真的是一个必需的基本功能。克罗ning Dashboards for every recipient is a No-Go. I've seen many threads about this, I hope it will become available very soon!

  • Vincent Destailleur

    Providing this is considered a critical capability and was a candidate for 2020, when can we expect it? Thanks!

  • Patrick Malicia

    Can't wait to get this added, it's a crucial time saver and a must have for a reporting tool.

    Fingers crossed for a good surprise in the upcoming version.

  • Dan Ross
    Community Moderator

    2020 is nearly over and the Insights EOL date is looming. Is this going to happen before then?

    It would not be a great situation if Insights goes away and there's no equivalent replacement functionality in Explore.

  • Human-ISM Sysadmins

    If this feature isn't implemented before Insights is removed, we'll have to go with another product that can actually limit KPIs to individual users, like Insights can. Please extend the retirement date of Insights before January, else we'll have to start the migration process now to complete before February, at which point it will be too late, and we'll take all the clients we've recommended to use Zendesk with us.

  • Jeremy Holmes

    We are already trying to get this data in to another service for the same reason. This is a major oversight in the design of this product.

  • Zach Brak

    Agreed on this - If we can't effectively scope data visibility, then the only solution would be to deploy with a ton of bloat/ duplication.

  • Joshua Bentley

    I can only thank heaven that I have 5 members on my team for now. Having to create a dashboard template that then has to be duplicated and customized is a huge waste of time and I can't imagine what other orgs with more agents are doing...besides migrating to a different product. :(

    It's a shame that this wasn't implemented prior to retiring the old system or heard any updates on this for months.

  • James McCoy

    Would really love to see this implemented in Explore

  • Kamil Adrianowski

    Looking forward to seeing that implementation as well!

  • Connell McFadden

    It would be fantastic to see this feature available in Explore. We have well over 100 agents who are keen to follow their performance each shift and the task of cloning that many dashboards is quite daunting.

  • Nickie Loaeza

    This remains a huge operational pain point for our organization and #1 on our wish list of improvements needed

  • Walter Bellante
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Apologies for the belated response.

    We are working to introduce filtered views to ease the creation and consumption of individual dashboards without having to duplicate any data.

    The first version of this functionality is set to be delivered in the second half of 2021.
    I understand this is a change of plan to what was initially communicated. This feature is part of a bigger revamp of the dashboard builder aimed at reducing the effort of creating and maintaining a dashboard.

    I will make sure to inform you here once the feature has been launched.

    Thanks for your patience.

  • Chris Gould

    Hi - is this still on track for delivery in H2 2021?

  • Serraview Australia

    Hey@...better late than never!

    This really is critical to our reporting tools - all of our clients want to see their open and closed tickets and how our support team has been every month, and we have over 100 clients. Creating a hard-coded dashboard for every client is currently the only way I can imagine automating this which would be ridiculous :P

    你能在产品团队(或其他人)pl吗ease provide an estimate of when this is scheduled for? We're already in the start of the second half of the year so I'd expect it'd be easier to tell at least if it's Q3 or Q4 from here.

  • Chris Gould


    I have been told by my ZD account manager that it's likely a Q4 (US FY) release.

  • Ollie

    A rough estimate for this would be amazing, if the Q4 comment could be confirmed that'd be great!

  • Walter Bellante
    Zendesk Product Manager

    this is to share an update regarding the ability to dynamically adapt the content of the dashboards.

    I understand we had initially communicated for this to happen by the end of 2021 and that many of you are eager to have this feature to reduce the number of dashboards you manage.
    The feature requires a bit more time than we had initially accounted and it is currently set to be shipped inQ2 2022.

    I will keep you posted on any other updates.
    Thanks again for your patience and feedback.



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