Welcome Email for first Community Post

6 Comentarios

  • Mike Davis
    User Group Leader

    Great suggestion, Rona! Couldn't agree more. Would be a great add-on for sure.

  • Nicole Saunders
    Zendesk Community Manager

    Thanks for sharing this feedback, Rona. If others are interested in this feature, please be sure to up-vote Rona's post, and if you have any additional thoughts, share them in the comments. This helps our product managers gauge interest and prioritize high-demand features.

  • Rona Yang

    Here is another reason why having triggers based on community metrics is great - JIRA does a great job of this, I haven't posted in a while so they send me a reminder to post something!

    I wish I would have know that JIRA has this feature and Zendesk doesn't.

    Please upvote this everyone - I'm sure we can all think of great use cases to have rule based triggers in the community just like we do for ZD support.

  • Gabriel

    Great idea, just upvoted.

  • Rachael Lewis

    I need this too! I just upvoted as well.

  • Orsolya Forster
    Zendesk Product Manager

    大家好,谢谢the idea and inspiration!

    Implementing a welcome email is not on our roadmap, however, there is a recent release which can be helpful to use as trigger.
    Gather events (including post creation) have been introduced to webhooks, you can read more about it inthis announcement. By using webhooks, you can "subscribe" to post creation events and create custom experiences in your community. A good example can be a welcome email.



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