Creating dashboards with current user variable - URGENT REQUEST


12 Comentarios

  • Comentario oficial
    Walter Bellante
    亚博ZendeskProduct Manager

    Hello Abhishek and Dave,
    thanks for your feedback.

    We are aware that sharing a dashboard with different audiences (e.g. agents, organisations, groups, etc) currently requires to create multiple dashboards.

    We are actively working on how to dynamically adapt the content of a dashboard to a viewer so that you can build and maintain a single dashboard. We plan to ship it in 2021, I'll keep you posted on the progress.

    While you wait for a better solution, you can clone the dashboard and set up default values for filters with Bookmarks.
    You can learn more in the "Save default filter values via bookmarks" section of thisarticle.

    Thanks for your patience.


  • Dave Fear

    The same concept could be used across multiple areas for Explore.

    In this case, have the ability to add to the WHERE clause in every single dashboard call, automatically.
    WHERE e.g. assignee = {current user}. Just tag it on the end.

    Please also look to expand this to customer-facing dashboards [in the Help Center], and report schedules. But the WHERE clause would be e.g. WHERE organisation = {current user's organisation}.

  • Abhishek Chandranaik

    亚博ZendeskExplore team. This is a serious and urgent request. Please prioritize this soon. It helps a lot of organizations to build dashboards for their agents in a generalized manner and the agents can see their reports without us sending an email to every individual in the organization.

  • Alberta Rosa (RevOps)

    HiWalter Bellante! I wanted to ask if the feature requested byAbhishek Chandranaikhas been already developed and launched. If yes, are there articles available on it? Thank you!

  • Walter Bellante
    亚博ZendeskProduct Manager

    HiAlberta Rosa (RevOps),
    thanks for your interest.

    The feature is currently in development and will be shipped before the end of the year.
    I will keep you posted on this post once it's live.


  • Ollie

    HiWalter Bellante

    Is there an update on when this will be released please? This is a feature we urgently need, we have several hundred agents so creating cloned dashboards isn't really feasible.



    This is an absolute must have feature. Is this still on a roadmap or has it been abandoned?

  • Nataliia Dovgal

    Jumping into this thread! This feature is very needed

  • PT Dadlani

    Is this possible? Is there a current user variable that be used to as a filter? The alternative is re-creating dashboards for every user and then filtering them individually to that user, which is cumbersome and not scaleable. Please advise.

  • CJ Johnson

    It's not possible still. This is yet another promised feature way past the date it was promised, that appears to have been abandoned/forgotten.

  • Walter Bellante
    亚博ZendeskProduct Manager

    Dear customers,
    today I would like to share more than an update and give you the opportunity to get asneak peekinto dashboard restrictions.

    I also want to reiterate that it will be available in Q1 ’23 as part of thebeta builder.

    Dashboard restrictions empower editors to dynamically adapt data to different audiences. As many of you requested, this includes the possibility of creating an individual agent dashboard where data will be dynamically adapted based on the viewer that is logged in.

    Thanks again for your patience.
    I will keep you posted once the feature is available.

  • Walter Bellante
    亚博ZendeskProduct Manager

    Dear customers,
    we are excited to share that dashboard restrictions are now live on the beta builder.
    Dashboard restrictions empower editors to dynamically tailor a dashboard to different audiences.

    You can learn more about how to use them in thearticle.

    Many of you requested this feature to reduce the number of dashboards maintained when measuring the individual performance of an agent.
    缓解你的任务,我们决定包括“吃晚饭port agent productivity” template. This has been built to give you an overview of how the agent has been performing on ticket volumes and response time over the last 7 days.
    Once you’ve added the template, add a dashboard restriction on “Assignee name” with the value “Based on viewer” and share it with your agents.
    Once they open the dashboard they’ll immediately be able to see just their own tickets.

    Thanks again for your patience.
    We look forward to hearing your feedback.



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