Explore report on macro usage

No planeada

39 Comentarios

  • Comentario oficial
    Scott Allison
    zendk Product Manager

    Thank you everyone for continuing to share your needs for this. Unfortunately, this is not on our roadmap for this year, so I will set the status to Not Planned for now. It's something I'd like to prioritize in the future, and if that happens I'll update you all here.

    This year we've prioritized investments in other areas, such asSLAs. Next month we're launching GroupSLAsatRelate,and then later the ability to applySLAsto more interactions, with newSLAtarget types, and the ability to customize existing ones.

    Thanks again for your continued feedback, it's really appreciated.

  • Vincent Dollet

    Hi Antonio,

    Thank you for feedback. We have been discussing the possibility to help you analyse your macro usage. Here are some of the use cases we are considering:

    - identify what macro(s) were used in tickets with good / bad satisfaction. The main action is to identify what macros may be contributing to low satisfaction and may need to be rethought.

    - identify what types of one-touch tickets with good / bad satisfaction may / may not be using macros. The main action is to identify if / what macros are missing.

    - identify who uses what macros, and with what satisfaction. The main action is to identify a possible knowledge gap within the team(s).

    - identify usage frequency of macros. The main action is to identify what macros could be phased out.

    Would you have additional use cases you would like us to consider?

    Kind regards


  • Chris Bulin
    Community Moderator

    Hi Vincent. It would be great if we could identify which macros push usage to our KB.

  • Qapital

    Reporting on macros would be a huge help. The ask to use tags is kind of weird, we shouldn't need to hack your system :)

    As mentioned above, satisfaction per macro would be great. Also first reply and full resolution times. What would also be nice is to see Bayesian connections, e.g what is the probability macro B will be used if macro A was used before.


  • Heather Rommel
    Community Moderator
    The Product Manager Whisperer - 2021

    We use macros for a lot of things and would love to know how often each of them are being used and on what tickets. Critical info for us would be:

    • List of hyperlinked tickets
    • Who used it and what group
    • What Date/time
    • Group or Personal macro?
    • Trend reports
    • Trend reports by group

    We would like to be able to build our own reports and as another poster said, without the use of tags.

  • Felicia Cantua

    My company is just starting to navigate through Explore and would love a reporting function based on macros. Our primary focus would be to identify who uses what macros, and usage/volume of macros.

  • Oliver Caruso

    We would also like to be able to report on Macros - When new features are released in our product, we often create several macros to answer questions that we think customers will want answers to. Being able to report will help us know which are/aren't effective. In general to audit our Macro list we need to know which haven't been used by the team regularly.

  • Michael Cardamone

    I would like to see an option to notify the user/assignee when applying a Macro where it's already been used in the ticket. I would also like to see the option to report on Macros where it can also show you tickets where a Macro was used more than once.

  • Louise Dissing

    I would love to see this feature in Explore!
    If it would be a build in feature, we'd be able to take a deeper look into what macros are used and which ones are not - and by doing that we could keep our macros relevant and up to date, instead of having a big pile of macros.

    I know this is a big issue for multiple big companies, that has several administrators or agents with the right to create global macros.

    Do you have any updates whether this is going to be a feature or not?

    Louise Dissing
    Support Team Lead @helphouse

  • DonorsChoose

    Plus one to many of the comments here. Measuring macros is an important quantifiable insight into our business and would be helpful to have!

  • Greg O'Neill SMC

    The ability to measure the usage of our Macros would be a very useful tool to monitor not only the most used but those that our Agent are not using so we can find out why these are not used

  • Maxime Brillanceau

    Hello, it is really important to us to have special insights or access to macros in Explore.

    +1 then !

  • Axel Mora

    It would be amazing to be able to have Insights or Explore measure macro usage specifically without the use of tags. What Vincent mentioned two years ago and the additional points that Heather made is critical info that we should be able to measure without tags. As a start, a way to export the data provided in the admin tab would be amazing. The data is already being provided, why not the ability to export?

  • Real Connections BV (EMEA RESELLER)
    Community Moderator

    Hi there,

    How far are the plans to implement this into Zendesk Explore?

  • Kelly Johnson

    I was just asked if we could report on our Macro usage either in Explore or Insights. Is this on the radar?

  • Zenjob

    Hej Product Team,

    I am also waiting for more than 2 years on a proper reporting on macros.

    I have done so with tags, but to be honest it is not scalable at all. As Explore seems to be the one tool to do it. Please integrate that feature as soon as possible.


  • Nicole Saunders
    zendk Community Manager

    Hi Kelly -

    There's not a direct macro usage report, however, there are ways to do it using tags:

    Reporting on macros using tags in Insights

    You can also pull much of this information via the API. This article gets into that:

    Is it possible to get usage data on macros, triggers, and automations?

    You can also add your use-case and up-vote this product feedback request to include macro usage reporting in Explore:

    Explore report on macro usage

  • Alisha Strawbridge

    We are very interested in seeing macros being available at a ticket updates data set level.
    我们想要测量更多的活动和突出铁道部e information in events such as who is using which macros (most cases the agent / updater / person applying the macro will never historically be an assignee of the ticket).

    I thought that adding tags would be the answer to this but it turns out that tags are not related to ticket updates data set and therefore update level attributes such as updater are also not available.

    Is there any way to work around this or is anyone looking to add tags to an update data set level or make tags available as a text field change?

    My use case is only one idea but so much more could be done with reporting on tags at update level.

  • Nick Sauvé

    I would love to see this too! Especially since we use this functionality within Insights currently!

  • Jesse

    This is absolutely something we would love to see as well.

  • Wave Financial Inc.

    Having to do this through the API is time consuming, and reporting via tags isn't reliable. I would count this as a high value report and would love to see it added!

  • Steven Vella

    Dear All,

    I am looking to add Macros as coulomb in my views, to keep track of which macros are being used. Has anyone done it? Is it possible to do?

  • Andrei Kamarouski
    Community Moderator
    The Wise One - 2021

    Hi all,

    There is a great solution – Advanced Macros Usage Reporting for Zendesk. It is a part of the Advanced Macros by Pythia app//www.ying8.net/apps/support/advanced-macros-by-pythia

  • Andy Sinsel

    This seems like something that should come with Explore, and it's very unsettling that it's not available. Why can someone's app do it but we can't report on it when it's been requested for several years?

  • Bart

    Would be great to get this in explore. I have a mandate to report on which staff are still using macros and which since we've moved to a more human experience and want to cut down on macro usage. Also, would be great for admin to have access to personal macros which you can see in events - but not be able to access / deactivate.

  • Jacob R.

    +1 for this. It would be valuable data for us to know what can be phased out or changed to ensure macros are being appropriately applied to our tickets.

  • Ash

    We have a macro we use for escalating issues to the team leads, and tracking these tickets- who escalates and what type of tickets- will really help us tailor our training.

  • Lisa S

    +1 for the exact same reason as Jacob above. Plus, gauging how macro use affects AHT, SAT and other metrics.
    Any idea if/when this will be reconsidered?

  • Devan La Spisa
    zendk Community Manager

    Have a question on Explore Insights Migration?

    NextTuesday, January 26, we’ll be hosting our next Q&A event. From11:00 am - 12:00 pm CST, we’ll be answeringquestions and product feedback on Explore Migration and Setup. Registration is open now, but we still recommend registering to receive a post-event recording for those who can't attend.

    How to register for this event?

    Follow theregistration linkand sign up for our live event, which will begin at 11:00 am on January 26. Upon registering you will be prompted to submit your question you'd like our experts to answer, which will be addressed even for those who can't attend. Afterward, we will post a recording of the webinar in the community, along with a summary of all of the questions answered.

  • Nicole

    +1, I agree with Jacob


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