Tip: Keep Yourself SANE By Organizing Your Triggers

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12 Comentarios

  • Kelsa Henry

    Hi Brandon,

    Thanks for this great tip however, can I get the same structure for views. My account has 4 pages of Views. (1.5K agents)

    If 1 page has 100 views (no easy way to tell apart from manually counting)...that means we've got nearly 400 view. As an admin, it's definitely not contributing to my SANITY as the overall admin in keeping up, finding and managing them. Is that part of your product line to have views categorized as well so that I may retain the last bit of SANITY I have left?

  • Brandon Tidd
    User Group Leader Community Moderator
    The Humblident Award - 2021

    Kelsa HenryWhat a great suggestion! I'm not aware of anything up and coming in this regard, but I would definitely suggest cross-posting this on the newAdmin Center Feedback Page. Cheers!


  • Ricky J.White

    Hi Brandon,

    Thanks for this great tip however, can I get the same structure for views. My account has 4 pages of Views. (1.5K agents)

    If 1 page has 100 views (no easy way to tell apart from manually counting)...that means we've got nearly 400 view. As an admin,it's definitely not contributing to my SANITY as the overall admin in keeping up, finding and managing them. Is that part of your product line to have views categorized as well so that I may retain the last bit of SANITY I have left?

    Thank you,


    Blog Body:

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for your feedback and questions.

    We are planning to release the views dashboard feature in our upcoming version.

    Once it is available, you will be able to see the number of views for each of your agent pages.

    You can also check the total views for your entire account.




    This comment has been edited by the Zendesk Community Team to remove extraneous information

  • Dave Dyson

    Hi Ricky,

    I think the Brandon who's response you're quoting is not the Brandon who wrote this tip – and in any case, the best place for your Views feedback would be to add your use case to this product feedback thread:Add categories (subviews, dropdown view) function to Views

  • Wesley E.Jacobs

    These Triggers are arguably the most important of all, because they dictate who, how and when users get notified of communications. While some Triggers like "Notify All Agents Of New Request" might be over-zealous, others like "Notify Requester and CCs of Comment Update" are imperative if you want customers to be able to see your message. Don't forget about the Proactive Ticket Notification Trigger for conversations that are started by your agents on the web interface! Pro Tip: If you're ever curious if a Trigger sent a notification on a ticket, all you have to do is check out the event log.

  • Brandon Tidd
    User Group Leader Community Moderator
    The Humblident Award - 2021

    Thanks for the feedbackWesley E.Jacobs! Couldn't agree more!

  • Sharjeel ahmad

    一些诱因,如“通知所有代理新Request," may be overly aggressive, but others, such as "Notify Requester and CCs of Comment Update," are essential if you want your target audience to see your message.For conversations that your agents start on the web interface, don't forget to use the Proactive Ticket Notification Trigger! Pro Tip: You only need to look at the event log if you're ever unsure whether a Trigger sent a notification on a ticket.

  • Brandon Tidd
    User Group Leader Community Moderator
    The Humblident Award - 2021

    Very Good pointSharjeel ahmad- Just make sure you're putting those in the the notification category. Also, something I noticed is that a category with inactive triggers can't be removed, so my best practice is to move those to a category at the bottom called 'Trigger Archive' and then make them inactive.

  • Toini2

    These Triggers, which determine who, how, and when users are alerted of messages, are possibly the most crucial of all.一些诱因,如“通知所有代理新Request," may be overly aggressive, but others, such as "Notify Requester and CCs of Comment Update," are essential if you want your target audience to read your message.

  • Jhonjelly

    We have over 400 views if one page receives 100 views (there is no easy method to determine this other than manually counting). Keeping up with, finding, and managing them as an admin is absolutely not helping my sanity as the chief admin.Is it a feature of your product line to categorise views as well so that I may keep what little sanity I still have?

  • Duckey

    Others, like "Notify Requester and CCs of Comment Update," are crucial if you want your target audience to read your message. Some Triggers, like "Notify All Agents Of New Request," may be unnecessarily pushy. Use the Proactive Ticket Notification Trigger for any discussions your agents begin using the web interface! Pro Tip: If you're ever confused about whether a Trigger delivered a notification on a ticket, you merely need to glance at the event log.

  • robo nixon

    If you want your intended audience to read your message, others, like "Notify Requester and CCs of Comment Update," are essential. Certain Triggers, such as "Alert All Agents About New Request," could be overly intrusive. If your agents start a conversation using the web interface, use the Proactive Ticket Notification Trigger to notify you! Pro Tip: You only need to take a quick look at the event log if you're ever unsure if a Trigger sent a notification on a ticket or not.


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