How to report on article feedback in Explore?

3 Comentarios

  • Orsolya Forster

    Mary Paez,

    Thank you for the feedback. I'll mark it as a feature request both Guide and Guide reporting.


  • Roxanne Davids

    HiOrsolya Forster

    Has there been any update here?

    At the moment, we're looking for a way to have our customers leave feedback on the articles, where we can track and report on the feedback.

    I love the idea thatMary Paezsuggested, if the customer leaves feedback (after downvoting) on the article, the feedback should go straight to the author, whether it be via email.

    Is there any update on whether this was/could be implemented?

  • Orsolya Forster

    HiRoxanne Davids, the article feedback mentioned by Mary can be shared by agents via the KC app. Customers (end users) can only share their feedback via commenting and voting on the article. The number of comments and votes is currently trackable in the knowledge base dataset in Explore. Additional customer feedback tools are not on our roadmap currently.

    Mary Paezlet me react on your request as well, aggregating feedback via KC app in Explore is not on our roadmap for now.



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