A way to measure % of customers deflection for Guide


13 Comentarios

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    Orsolya Forster

    HiEric Norris,

    Providing self-service success and ticket deflection analytics is our next big feature in Guide reporting. These metrics are currently missing from the Guide dataset in Explore, but it's certainly on our roadmap to extend the reports with sessions, so the Explore reports can give you all the information you need in one place.
    I'll update this thread once I can share more details about the roadmap.


  • Imran Haji

    HiOrsolya Forster

    Thank you for your message. Is there any news on the roadmap?


  • Orsolya Forster

    The new dataset is planned to GA in the second half of the year (Q3/ Q4). I'm marking this thread as "Planned" and will update once I have a more precise due date.


  • Stephan Plockhotnov

    Eric NorrisImran Haji

    We have already developed our own dashboard for the help center. We measure the readability of our articles (do customers read it to the end or just scroll it or even just bounce), what articles trigger customers to open tickets, etc.

    Let me know if you find it interesting for you!

    Cheers, Stephan

  • Eric Norris

    Hi Stephen,

    I do find that interesting. I am curious what metrics you use to be able to do that type of reporting.


  • Stephan Plockhotnov

    Eric Norriswe used google analytics+some our own additional scripts and then displayed it on dedicated webpage for conveniencehttp://hcpm.tilda.ws
    You can have a look and give your feedback)

  • CJ Johnson

    Orsolya ForsterWe're now in Q4, is this still planned to be released this year?

  • Orsolya Forster

    HiCJ Johnsonand everybody else following this thread,

    The new dataset is still planned but the release date is currently unknown. I will keep you in the loop, and once I know more about the planned availability, I will share. Giving you the ability to track user sessions and self-service success is still an important priority for us, and will bring it to you as soon as possible. I apologize for the inconvenience.


  • Chris Hobbs

    Any news on the release of this capability?

    I am looking for a similar solution to capture Deflection Rate for Tickets based on the Views of our Help Center content (where we want to exclude our Signed-in Agent views as well) from the total calculation.

  • Orsolya Forster

    No news on the release dateChris Hobbs.

    It seems like it'll take a while until we can release this dataset in Explore, likely early next year. I'll share updates as we progress. Thanks for the patience in advance.


  • TJ Pais

    Hi Orsolya,

    If we had to calculate this ourselves, how would we utilize Google analytics and Explore to get deflection rate? Has anyone in the community created a custom dashboard yet?

  • Stephan Plockhotnov

    TJ Paiswe did

  • TJ Pais

    Stephan Plockhotnov- thats awesome. Can you share some guidance ?


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