"Allow" instead of "Invite": Share Dashboard without sending invitation eMails


4 Comentarios

  • Malcolm Walker

    This functionality will also support future plans, where specific brands are internal-only (Internal IT helpdesk, for example) - those dashboards would never be Public outside the company, and would require a corporate login to see.

  • Tim G

    Excellent write-up Josef!

    I stumbled across this issue again today in looking to share a new dashboard - FYI there's another post with a few votes on it over here too:https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4409217042202-Share-dashboards-without-notification(worth upvoting there also maybe?)

  • Erin O'Callaghan
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    If you use the beta dashboard builder, you now have the option to skip the email notification when sharing a dashboard. Clear theSend email notificationcheckbox to choosenotto send an email. SeeSharing a dashboardfor details. (This new checkbox is available only in the beta dashboard builder, not the classic dashboard builder.)

  • CJ Johnson

    I have over 50 dashboards, I cannot move them all to the beta Dashboard to get at this feature. On top of that, because it's in Beta, many of the necessary features to make usable Dashboards, like bookmarks, are not implemented. It's extremely frustrating that this feature is marked completed and there is still no way to share existing Dashboards on the supported Dashboard builder, without sending an email.


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