Video tutorial: Show Google Sheets data in Support, Sell and Chat

6 Comentarios

  • CJ Johnson

    You can achieve this with Sheets in Support without needing to buy another product as well, just use the iframe app, and the published web URL for your sheet://

  • Alice

    Interesting idea! Does that simply display the whole spreadsheet or can you automatically filter the rows to only show the ones that relate to the ticket requester?

  • CJ Johnson

    Yes, you can filter and everything. Edit: although not directly and automatically for a specific ticket. You'd have to open the tab and filter the sheet.

  • Alice

    OK, because I tried this out and couldn't get it to work. You can filter the sheet for while you're editing it, but not from the published web page.

    The use case in the video is: You have dozens to thousands of rows in your sheet, then a customer creates a ticket and when you open the ticket, the FactBranch app automatically only shows data from the matching row(s).

    E.g. say you have a ticket sent, when you open the ticket, only data from the row withcharlie@example.comin the "Email" column gets displayed automatically without any interaction needed:

  • 拉斐尔Peguet——

    CJ JohnsonThank you for the iframe app suggestion !

    It is not displayed in ticket view but only on the left bar right?

    So many websites seems not to allowed it but I guess we can change this in any website configuration?

    AliceFactbranch is also very nice!

    Best regards,

  • Alice



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