Custom Ticket Statuses Have Arrived (in EAP)!

11 Comentarios

  • CJ Johnson

    Is this still restricted to only accounts that do not use Chat?

  • Brandon Tidd
    User Group Leader Community Moderator
    The Humblident Award - 2021

    CJ JohnsonYou do need Agent Workspace enabled, but other than that I don't believe it has that restriction:

  • CJ Johnson

    That article seems to indicate that this is still an EAP and hasn't arrived as a supported feature yet?

  • Brandon Tidd
    User Group Leader Community Moderator
    The Humblident Award - 2021

    HeyCJ Johnson- It is in the process of rolling out to production, and we've seen it live in several instances that weren't involved with the EAP. You can check to see if it's available in your instance by searching in the Zendesk Admin Center.

  • CJ Johnson

    So you're not affiliated with Zendesk in any way but are announcing a release on their behalf?

  • Brandon Tidd
    User Group Leader Community Moderator
    The Humblident Award - 2021

    I work, a Premier Partner that works on Zendesk implementations. I'm not sure where they are in the overall migration out of EAP to GA, but we noticed the feature rolling into instances not in the original EAP about a month ago. Since it seems to be broadly available (and we've implemented it for a couple of clients already), I wanted to share my knowledge in hopes that other users may benefit from our experiences. The thoughts are my own and are not endorsed by Zendesk, but it was not my intention to scoop them - more just sharing info as we see it.

    Hope this helps!


  • CJ Johnson

    Just confirming, this absolutely still excludes live chat accounts.
    From the EAP:

    和官方的文档(说这是测试版,and not released, by the way):

  • Colleen Hall
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    Hi there,

    You can find the Zendesk announcement for the Custom ticket statuses EAPhereand our official documentation for this feature in ourEAP community.

  • Brandon Tidd
    User Group Leader Community Moderator
    The Humblident Award - 2021

    CJ JohnsonIt looks like you might be confusing Unified Agent Status withCustom Ticket Statuses

  • CJ Johnson

    Brandon Tiddmy screenshots literally include the text "Unified Agent Status". I'm pretty confident I'm not confused.

  • Brandon Tidd
    User Group Leader Community Moderator
    The Humblident Award - 2021

    CJ JohnsonUnderstood - but this article is specifically discussing Custom Ticket Statuses, which doesn't have the same restrictions related to chat. I've updated the title of the article accordingly to help avoid confusion. To your point, apparently this is still in Beta, but it's a really cool feature nonetheless!


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