Workaround for Auto-Assigned Tickets for Out of Office Agents!

5 Comentarios

  • Brett Bowser
    Zendesk Community Manager
    This is excellent. Thanks so much for sharing Hope!
  • Nicole Saunders
    Zendesk Community Manager

    Great tip, Hope!

  • Sam Fresia

    Love this tip! If only triggers could check the agent assigned fields in addition to the requester fields, it would make the workflow much simpler.

    Is there any way to apply/remove this group automatically when OOO app is set to offline?

  • Hope Saldana

    Hi Samuel,

    Yes! It would be nice to leverage agent fields in triggers.

    I looked into auto adding/removing the group myself and you cannot. The only way to change a group is to do it manually. Which, honestly, makes sense from an administration stability standpoint.

  • Sam Fresia

    Thanks for saving me the effort of checking!

    I'll look into the groups and see if we can leverage that on its own to achieve what we need from OOO.


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