ChatGPT API Not working

6 Comentarios

  • Erica Girges
    Zendesk Developer Advocacy


    It's a hard to determine what exactly might be causing this issue. From what I can see, I would suggest verifying thatauthenticationhas been established correctly for your app. Also, I would just double check thatthe OpenAI API token you're providing upon app installation is valid.

    Hope this helps!

  • Jayvee

    Thank you for your advice.

    We've managed to get it to work once deployed in the Zendesk sandbox.
    However, when we try to run it locally, we keep getting error 422 instead.

  • Charles Nadeau
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    Hi JD T,

    我注意到你是阳光401 Conversation endpoint ( I don't think that endpoint is mentioned in the tutorial.

  • Jayvee

    The error 401 is most probably from the other application that we are developing.

    The actual error that we are getting is error 422. do you have any idea about that?
    Also, I think it is worth noting that we get error 422 when the app is running locally, and 400 when installed on zendesk.

    The 400 was due to the token limit for the free version of chatGPT, the error 422 we still haven't figured out. It would be helpful if you have any clue because it is counterproductive to have to create a new installer every time we need to check.

    Thank you in advance.

  • Erica Girges
    Zendesk Developer Advocacy
    Unfortunately, there isn't a guide available for using this API with ZAT.

    Also when running it locally, did you update the authorization to use a hardcoded token instead of secure settings? If so, you'll also want to remove"secure": truein the manifest.
  • Jayvee

    Thank you for the information that was given. We will still try to debug the error and if we ever find a solution I will update it here for future reference. Thank you so much.


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