Call Routing to Secondary Groups


7 Comentarios

  • Comentario oficial
    Sean Chuang
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Thank you for your question and the detail description.

    Your description of how Talk routes calls between and within each group is correct. If you believe the behavior is not correct, it would be best to start a ticket and let us investigate it to make sure there isn't a but in the system.



  • 乔恩·丹尼尔斯
    Zendesk Customer Care

    你能把你的问题说清楚还是问题further? If you have calls set to route to multiple groups, agents in the first group will be routed the call in a round robin fashion, after which the next group will be routed the call (until your Maximum queue wait time value is met and the call routes to voicemail or ends if you have voicemail off).

  • Lloyd Marcom

    Yeah, it's hard to type out clearly.

    What we are experiencing is that round robin doesn't seem to work within or among groups.

    Within a group I can have 3 agents who are all available. Depending on the flow of calls, I can have days where every call goes to that first agent even though the other two are available.

    Like if calls come in every 15 minutes and that first agent takes 10 minutes to wrap up a call and is therefor available for each new call they will literally get EVERY call that comes in and nothing will go to the other two.

    It seems to work this way until all three of them have gotten a call are and all occupied at the same time and then round robin starts to work.

    I suspect that in the cases where you are in a group with multiple people that round robin doesn't behave right until everyone has received a call (like for some reason the logic in the code doesn't account for having answered no calls as being next in line for the next call for some reason). In a busy call center where all of your agents will be on the phone simultaneously very quickly you wouldn't notice it but in situations where you have lighter call volume than staffing where it's possible for one person to cover all the calls over a period of time I think it becomes apparent.

    I have seen other comments in the community from other folks experiencing this and the common thread seems to be a light call volume with agents who either haven't yet gotten a call for the day or have gone offline and back on (which I think is probably setting their call answered counter to zero).

  • Lloyd Marcom

    On the secondary group question:

    When you have a primary group set up and that group is busy and the interaction goes to the secondary group, does the round robin look at all the calls taken by people in that group (whether as a secondary location or as a user in a different primary group) to determine the next person to assign to? Or does it only look at calls answered as part of that secondary group?

    For instance if I am part of Group A (my primary group) and Group B (an overflow secondary group) and I take a call at 8AM that finishes at 8:10AM and then a call goes to that secondary group at 8:15AM does the system recognize I had a call in my primary group until 8:10AM when it analyzes if I should get that call or does it assume no answered calls because I haven't yet had any from that secondary group yet?

  • 乔恩·丹尼尔斯
    Zendesk Customer Care

    For your first question, this should go to the agents that answered calls the longest ago - If possible, pleasereach out to us from within Zendesk directlyand share any call examples that you are saying were routed to the first agent (Rep A) but should have been routed to agents (Rep B & C) - with some examples, we can look at the call routing on the back-end and find out exactly why calls were routed where they were (and what specific state the other agents were in when the call came in and was routed to the agent you don't think it should have been routed to).
    Also, you'll want to make sure yourMaximum Queue wait timeis long enough to give these other agents a chance to answer (if it's too short, the call can go to voicemail before other agents have a chance to answer)

    As for your second group question, once the call is routed to that secondary group, all the system is looking at is the availability of the agents in that group - it's not performing any logic on the group itself, only the agents within it and their availability.

    Looking forward to helping you troubleshoot this in detail directly!

  • Lloyd Marcom


    Related to this based on your answer:

    If Rep A is in a Primary Group and Backup Group and is on a call for the Primary Group does Zendesk realize they are on that call if a call goes to the Backup group they are also in?

    What I appear to be seeing is:

    Rep A is in Group 1 (primary)

    Rep A is in Group 2 (Secondary)

    Rep A is on a call in their group.
    Call gets routed to Group 2. Even though Rep A is on the phone with a call from Group 1, in Group 2 is looks like they appear available and Zendesk tries to assign them the call. When they don't pick up (because they don't even know they are getting a call because they are already on a call) Zendesk is marking a missed call against them.

  • 乔恩·丹尼尔斯
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Thanks for the clarification, Lloyd! Talk only looks at the agent availability when the call routes to the group - if the agent is in a call, the agent is in a call (regardless of the group the call came through), and the call should immediately route to the next available agent with the most time since the last answered call.

    If you have any examples where you are seeing different behavior, please start a direct conversation with us from within Zendesk (from the "get help" option under your avatar in Zendesk), and we can help you investigate your routing on specific call IDs/Ticket numbers in detail!


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