[Bug] ZAF // Ticket sidebar // "app.activated" not triggered on load

2 Comentarios

  • Eric Nelson
    Zendesk Developer Advocacy
    Hey Eran,

    Seems there might be a bit of confusion here. This is covered in ourdocumentationthat app.activated in terms of the sidebar location happens when "the app becomes active when the user switches to the tab containing this instance of your app." so all apps in the sidebar are "active" when this happens of the tab being viewed. What is it you are trying to accomplish?

  • Eran Pinhas

    Hi Eric! Thank you for your answer, I really appreciate the quick response

    简单地说,I want to track if a given instance is active or not (i.e if the ticket is now open or not). I use it to inform the top_bar & the backend the current active ticket

    And for that purpose, the "app.activated" and "app.deactivated" events works perfectly. However, it's impossible to know the initial state (i.e whether it's active or noton launch)

    Thanks again, Eran


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