Possibility to limit/define the size of ticket attachments

4 Comentarios

  • Chika Chima

    HiJosé Sousa!

    I would love to learn more about your use case. Can you help me understand your ideal workflow for how ticket attachments should be customizable by user and agents? Why is this important to you?

    Look forward to hearing from you

  • José Sousa

    HiChika Chima

    We are using Zendesk to provide technical support to our customers.
    Often, we ask customers for the database to analyze them.
    When we ask for a database, we ask them to use our database platform, as it has RGPD rules implemented, namely, the deletion of databases after been downloaded by one of our technicians.
    As Zendesk allows for large attachments, what customers do is send the database as an attachment to tickets. The objective was to limit the attachments, for example, to 2MB and in this way, as the databases are a little larger than 2MB, it forced them to use our database platform (where we have everything related to the RGPD implemented ), as they would not be able to send the database through Zenkdes attachments.


  • Chika Chima

    HiJosé Sousa!

    Thank you for your explanation and use case. What would be the ideal minimum and max attachment size for your customers to upload? And what would be the min and max for your agents to upload? And what zendesk products/channels you and your customers using in this workflow to upload? ie email, messaging, help center?

  • José Sousa

    HiChika Chima

    There would be no minimum. The maximum, 3MB would be enought, either for agents or for customers.
    We have "macros" in place, with a direct link to our database submission platform, whenever we request a database submission. When we send data to customers, we also use our platform, because that way, after the customer has downloaded the database (or any file) it is automatically deleted.
    Any further questions, please let me know.


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