Copying Documentation to Conversation

2 Comentarios

  • Rosie B.
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hello Jack,

    Thank you for patiently waiting. Apologies for the delay here as we are getting a high volume of tickets these days. Rest assured that we are working on this diligently to assist you and our customers.

    TheCopy to conversationoption will let you copy the one you hover (highlighted) but not the entire content. For example, the if you hover over the Title of that article. But if you want to copy the content part of the article, hover over beside that content and then clickCopy to conversation:

    否则,没有办法复制完整的部分of the article, but only the article link. To copy the link, click the clip icon on top of the article title:

    You can learn more about this in this article:Searching and linking articles using the Knowledge Capture app. Thanks!

  • Jack Harris

    In which case, I'd have to copy each sub-piece of the section one at a time to get the whole entire section. I got it. Irksome, but I got it.


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