Count of users by contact rate last 30 days


3 Comentarios

  • Jahn Bronilla
    Community Moderator

    HiBrittni Nowell- you might want to check this article on how to get started with custom metrics and attributes

  • Brittni Nowell

    Thank youJahn Bronilla. Unfortunately, I don't think this answers my question. I need to create a calculated attribute for various ticket buckets. I've tried using the formula below but get the following error "(D_COUNT(End-user submitted tickets) can't be used in an calculated attribute, wrap it in an attribute fix or attribute add"

    IF (D_COUNT(End-user submitted tickets)=1) THEN "1"
    ELIF (D_COUNT(End-user submitted tickets)=2) THEN "2"
    ELIF (D_COUNT(End-user submitted tickets)=3) THEN "3"
    ELIF (D_COUNT(End-user submitted tickets)>=4) THEN ">=4"

  • Jahn Bronilla
    Community Moderator

    I tried copy and pasting your formula in "Calculated Metrics" instead of attributes and it actually work.

    I just added Requester name and email as an attribute then filter it by created month.


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