Allow Agents to Complete Satisfaction Surveys

Non planifiée

11 Commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Thank you all for your interest in this use case. We are listening, and really appreciate everyone's continued feedback here. Unfortunately, CSAT hasn't been something we've been investing in, but that is going to change. We do have a plan to invest in this area in 2023! We're still at the early planning stages so I can't say yet if this is definitely a capability we'll support, but it will be carefully considered. Thank you, again.

  • Dave Dyson

    Thanks for posting this feedback, Elizabeth!

  • Alex Calvin

    We have the same issue as you. We had 3 separate Zendesk instances, but have merged them into one and now 13% of our company can no longer rate tickets. It should at least be a toggle to let agents rate tickets if they are not a member of the group the ticket was assigned to. But while you are at it, I think you could even have an option for agents to rate tickets within their own group.

    Sometimes an IT agent needs to make an IT ticket!

  • John Evans

    我们会喜欢这个。我们有34个特工在12 departments and not only do we all help the other 250 people on staff and the general public but we also help each other. The other day a fellow agent in a different department and even location opened a support ticket for a broken printer. We responded in 12 minutes and got a replacement unit out a few hours later. They loved that experience and wanted to note it in the survey but couldn't. We are probably going to turn it off and just go back to a link to a Formstack survey. Pretty disappointing. Satisfaction Surveys have been out for a better part of 5 or 6 years from other community posts that I read and it doesn't seem like it is getting many user-requested updates.

  • 斯科特·艾尔lison
    Zendesk Product Manager

    I'm one of the Product Managers here at Zendesk. Thank you all for your feedback, it's truly appreciated. We don't have any current plans to address this request, but we do regularly review requests based on interest. Thank you again.

  • Elizabeth Cochran

    Thank you, Scott. I believe there are several similar threads such as this one. Hope this does get traction. I actually ended up disabling this option, as it was unavailable to all of our staff. We have less than 90 employees and 23 are agents!

  • 斯科特·艾尔lison
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Thank you Elizabeth. You are right, the main thread ishere.

    I would also like to add that some of ourpartner appsare a good solution to this.

  • John Evans

    Scott, the partner apps typically cost additional money, and their metrics aren't accessible in the Explore app. We pay close to 24k a year for Zendesk, and your answer is to pay someone else additional money for something you won't do. Several of your direct competitors allow agents to provide feedback to other agents in their suite at no additional cost. It doesn't feel like Zendesk is listening...

  • 斯科特·艾尔lison
    Zendesk Product Manager

    John EvansThank you for your feedback, I truly appreciate it. I just posted an update that we're going to invest in CSAT later this year, but I don't yet know if this use case will be something we will solve for. I hear you about paying extra for this functionality, but I do want to mention that a couple of our partners have pretty affordable solutions and do post the responses back in to Zendesk where you can report on them. Check ourSweethawkandNiceReply.

  • John Evans

    Scott, thanks for reaching out. Nicereply is $239 a month for the number of agents we have. That is an additional $2868 annually to do something a toggle button already does in a competitor. Will Zendesk drop our annual cost by $2868 until it is addressed in the product? I assume the answer is no. I get that no software package is 100% a perfect fit. Still, I can't spend $24k on Zendesk and another $3k on CSAT for agents or $6k on FreshDesk because we can't turn off the welcome emails in Zendesk for the thousands of folks that can't create an account in our Help Center because of our SSO.

    We are riding the Zendesk struggle bus, and it feels like no one is at the wheel over there.

  • Centro de Soporte Softland

    Muy buenas tardes

    tenemos avance de la mejora del csat para agentes es muy importante tenerlo

    quedo atenta


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