Tip: How to set a reminder on a ticket

71 Commentaires

  • Ray Roocroft

    Fantastic, thank you very much for this seemingly simple yet effective tool!

  • Colin Piper

    Just a quick note to say that a change seems to have broken this. When I blank out the custom date the filed is populated with "undefined NaN, NaN" and the ticket cannot no longer be submitted. I have created a ticket with ZD so hope this will be resolved soon. I will post back.

  • cwillis

    It would be great to be able to set a reminder based on time as well as date to have greater control on reminders.

  • Jessie Schutz
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Craig,

    There's actually an active post in our Product Feedback forum about this - I would encourage you to add your vote and use case to it.

    Thanks for the feedback!

    (This link has been removed and feedback topic archived)

  • Colin Piper

    We should be careful not to mix two things up. A ticket of type "task" always could have a due date and it has long been asked for this to also include a time. Any other type of ticket historically could not have a date associated with it but now can with the recent introduction of the custom date field.

    Giving a task a date and time capability would be great but that capability may not automatically apply to custom fields.

  • Heimen van Duinkerken

    I cannot send the 'specific date' to empty in the automation. Is that changed?

  • Jessie Schutz
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Heimen!

    Can you please be more specific about exactly which condition or action you're working with? This will help me better pinpoint what's going on.


  • Heimen van Duinkerken

    The date field is set to empty in the actions (in the automation). But when I do this in my Zendesk I get an error that the field cannot be empty.

  • Jessie Schutz
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Heimen,

    Are you working with the custom date ticket field? The way this is set up, based on my testing, is that this particular field has to have a value assigned to it if you're going to use it in the actions of an automation.

    Hope that clears things up some. Let me know if you have any other questions!

  • MiiiA Support

    Nice post Colin.

    Have you had any word on if we will be able to wipe the custom date field via automation without running into the "undefined NaN, NaN" problem?



  • Aubrie

    Hi Conlin,

    I did a variation of your custom field with triggers and automations that would open the ticket on that day.

    I've attached two screenshots of the business rules. It doesn't seem to be working as intended. It does not open one day before the date in the custom field. Can you take a look and tell me what I am missing?

  • Colin Piper

    I will revalidate this post as soon as I get a moment.

  • Sabel Daniela

    Hi guys,

    I think I found a solution to this problem an have a suggestion, which seems to be working. Since my account is in German, I've edited Colin's screenshots - please forgive :)

    First, I have created a costum field, as suggested. In my case, I chose a drop-down custom field called "Remind me?" with the options "yes" and "no".

    Then I have used ColinsAutomationscreenshot and slightly changed some things. You can create an automation similar to one the one in my edited screenshot:

    InPerform these actionstake out the whole columnTicket: Remind me before+Set to a specific date.

    Besides setting the email, set the actionTicket: Remind me?to "No"

    You don't have to set any trigger, since the action will get nullifyed by changing it's status to "No" as soon as the email is sent out.

    When I set the date- the email arrives in my inbox the day before 8pm (+1 GET, German time). Incase I'm not working during that time, I'll see the email in my inbox the next morning - so the set date!

    I hope this helps.



  • Jessie Schutz
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Daniela!

    Thanks for sharing your tip!

  • Frank Mile

    Can I set this reminder for 4 hours? For example the ticket is received at 10:00, 14:00 I need to call the customer.

  • Colin Piper

    No, sorry. Only for a date.

  • Sane Nobles

    I have set up my automation exactly as it is in the original article, however I am receiving an error when trying to save the automation


    If your custom field is a drop-down, how and where are you entering the date that you'd like to be reminded on?

  • Claire Smith

    I think I have sorted this using triggers. I'm going to test this over the next few days so I'll let you know how I get on!

    Create tag:

    Update assignee and remove tag:

  • Jennifer Rowe
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    Awesome, Claire! Thanks for sharing your triggers. Let us know how it works out.

  • Uri Argaman


    I am very interested in such a reminder. I tryed modding this method by using two tags, wax_on and wax_off, but I keep getting emailed by the outomation everyhour - can't figure out why... Maybe anyone can see my mistake?

    I don't really need to remove reminder_on but if I don't add this I cant save the automation.

    Would love to hear your thoughts...


  • Graeme Carmichael
    Community Moderator


    我认为还有一个过程is updating the tags on this ticket. Check the ticket events for another automation or trigger that is fires after this one.

  • Uri Argaman

    Thanks but the only thing updating this tickets is the automation and the trigger. By my logic this should not interrupt and as you can see the reminder_off is present when the automation runs but yet it does....

  • Claire Smith

    It might not be this but there is a spelling mistake in one of the reminder_off's. It reads reminrer_off. Perhaps this is causing some issues?

  • Graeme Carmichael
    Community Moderator

    Well spotted Claire.

  • Uri Argaman

    I actually thought about it and used copy past to be sure. Well apparently I have missed one spot. Thank you Claire! I will update if this is now functional.

    Thanks, Uri

  • Jennifer Rowe
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    Nice, Claire. Thanks for helping with the troubleshooting!

  • Uri Argaman

    Thanks again Clair and everybody, works like a charm...

  • Kristi

    I ran into the same issue that was reported earlier where i set up the automation exactly as what was suggested but I am receiving this message. How do I resolve this?


  • Michael Saitow


    I believe that I followed Colin's steps properly, but when I click "CREATE" I get the following.

    Any advise?

    Automation could not be created as:

    • Automation must not run multiple times per ticket: It must have a time based condition that is only true once (Hours since created is 24) or a action that nullified a condition ("Priority Is High" and an action setting it to "Priority Is Urgent").
  • Jessie Schutz
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hey Msaitow!

    你得到的信息意味着我sn't anything in your conditions that will prevent the automation from running multiple times per ticket. That's not allowed, so you won't be able to create the automation until it's fixed.

    Can you post a screenshot of your automation? That'll help me pinpoint exactly which condition is creating the issue.


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