Additional Text Align Options in Agent replies (Centre/right align)

Non planifiée

6 Commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Amisha Sharma
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hello everyone,

    I spoke too soon previously. We had planned to work on this last year, but this project got deprioritized due to some higher impact projects coming to our radar. Unfortunately, we don't plan to work on the text alignment request this year either. We'll reconsider next year to include this in our 2024 roadmap. Thanks!

  • Sydney Neubauer

    Amisha Sharmathe last Agent format update was pushed to Agent Workspace only (color text). Do you know if the other text-align options will be made available for all Zendesk UI versions?

  • Amisha Sharma
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiSyd- You are correct that all new features and improvements are only being added to Agent Workspace, but this one is an exception. This will be available on our legacy workspace as well. :)

  • ariya sacca utama

    Amisha Sharmacan we use this feature request now?
    where's the setting to activated?

  • Steven Scott

    Any word on when this might be available?

  • karankuwarbidxb

    Still waiting........


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