Announcing Macros keyboard shortcut - We need your feedback :)


19 Commentaires

  • CJ Johnson

    Is there any way to turn this off if it's not desirable to trigger the macro menu every time we type a slash?

  • Amisha Sharma
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hello CJ, yes. If you want to deactivate this feature, seeActivating and deactivating macros keyboard shortcuts.

  • CJ Johnson

    That looks to be set per-user. I would give feedback that this needs to be able to be set for the whole account by admins.

  • Rafael Santos
    User Group Leader

    Amisha SharmaCool shortcut!

    In this line, which other keyboard shortcuts is your team planning to add to the agent interface? It would be most interesting to have shortcuts to the "Take me" action, to theAssigneefield, and possibly to theRequesterfield, too.

  • CJ Johnson

    Additional feedback: Please do not use already claimed shortcuts when you decide on shortcuts to add. It's very annoying that copy and paste are broken in Explore because Zendesk re-used cmd in their own shortcuts, breaking built in Mac functions, and that the shortcut to reload a report, is the shortcut in Firefox to open the bookmarks bar.

  • Amisha Sharma
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Thanks for the feedback, CJ!

    Thanks, Rafael. We don't have plans on adding any other shortcuts in the short term yet. But, Zendesk is working towards streamlining the keyboard shortcuts across the product and we'll take your feedback into account while working on the project.

  • Rafal Stalewski

    Hey Zendesk team,

    Two questions:

    • Will this be released for Zendesk Sell?
    • When are you going to make rich-text-editing same quality in Sell as you've done recently in Support?
  • Amisha Sharma
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Thanks,Rafal Stalewski. This feature release will not include Zendesk Sell. I'll definitely pass your feedback to the team.

  • Michael Stallings

    Please consider having separate settings to disable Macros vs Shortcuts rather than all or nothing! We have used Shortcuts before the release of this feature, and now when I go to find one of the Shortcuts, all the Macros appear instead. This has really slowed us down and caused me to accidentally apply the wrong Macro.

  • Amisha Sharma
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HelloMichael Stallings- Thanks for your feedback.

    We just added an update to this feature where for chat and messaging channels, shortcuts will show up before macros, which should help with easily finding the shortcuts. Please let us know if this update is helpful?

  • Michael Stallings

    Amisha, this is wonderful. THANK YOU!!!

  • Brandon D.

    I wanted to chime in and say that I was actually searching online to see if this ability was possible using Zendesk and am happy I stumbled upon this post!

    When my team used another ticketing system prior to switching to Zendesk they allowed the shortcut to be used for both macros and knowledge-base articles.

    任何计划扩大在未来所以代理can type the name of an article and quickly insert a hyperlink into their response?


  • Zane Kanderāne

    This is quite great, thank you!

  • Thanaret B1100

    The update that made Live Chat and Messaging shortcuts show up before macro does not completely solve the issue for us. There's still a chance that our agent can send email macro while having a chat with End-user.

    Please consider making a disable button for each macro and shortcut.

  • Amisha Sharma
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Thanks for all of your feedback. We will continue to collect feedback from this thread to improve the experience and add enhancements. Thanks again!

  • Maky

    HiAmisha Sharma

    Thank you! For us this feature is fantastic!


  • Shmuel Holzman
    Community Moderator

    HeyAmisha Sharma, it would be awesome if the shortcut worked the same as the 'Apply Macro' box. Searching via shortcuts doesn't work nearly as well as searching in the macro box. In addition, the shortcut doesn't display Suggested Macros which would make it more awesome.

  • Marius Wilhelmi

    我们已经发射ed very positive feedback from our agents about the macro shortcuts. However, if you introduce a new feature, agents want to have more of this :-). AsBrandon D.mentioned above, I also received requests from our agents to include the knowledge base to enable them to insert article links in a similar manner.

  • Amisha Sharma
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Thanks all, we will continue to collect feedback on how to improve this feature and prioritize working on some of these. Update coming soon! :)


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