Monthly All status tickets export in csv

3 Commentaires

  • Sabra
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hey Marco!

    When it comes to exporting ticket data, we have the general recommendations listed in the articleWhat are my ticket export options?. The options listed here are exporting from the Reports tab in Admin Center or using our APIs. Other methods like exporting Views and Explore reports/dashboards can serve certain use cases as well.

    In terms of automation, with the help of developers, you can configure automated exports with the API. Alternatively, with Explore, depending on your plan level, you can set upscheduled dashboards.

    If you are looking to just have tickets exported for archiving reasons, this setting may be helpful to you:Archiving ticket email notifications

  • Marco

    Thanks,Sabra. I read that article. I am just surprised besides the reporting and admin report function Zendesk just help me enable it (but no data condition), API is the only way to do so.

    Our objective and condition is to export all ticket detail in a month, e.g. APR2023 (1st-31st)

    We tried

    1. Views-But there are no conditions according to month, only last 30 days or ticket open hours

    2. The Explorer>Reporting- It seems the ticket number still does not reflect the actual number (we do not achieve the ticket), plus the visual chart output only limited rows/fields after the csv export

    3. Admin>Tool>Report- It has a month option, but it exports everything because it logs everything, hence there are duplications along the ticket status change

    Could I confirm there is no other way before going for API to generate a custom "month" report?

  • Noly Maron Unson
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Marco,

    As of the moment, the 3 options you listed are the only way to get ticket exports. Depending on what ticket details you want to get in your export, using Explore and API is the best option. For Explore, you will need to use the rightMetics and Attributes.

    Hope this helps.


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