Use Description or comment to update Custom Fiels

1 Commentaires

  • Ahmed Zaid
    User Group Leader Community Moderator

    Hi Denis,

    You can achieve that using one of two ways:

    1. (Recommended)ZIS flowthat runs when a ticket is created by your external bot, parses the description withjq, and updates the custom fields via theticket API.

    2. (Simpler, butnot recommended) Creating atrigger that notifies a webhooktargeting Zendeskticket API. The payload can includeliquid markupthat reads ticket description and parse information to populate your custom fields. However, you will be limited toslicingthe description with delimiters, since the liquid implementation does not support regex.

    You will likely require developer help for either options. Feel free to engageZendesk professional Services, or official partners includingmy team, ROCA.

    If you have in-house developers, the links I provided can get them started. If you or your team face a roadblock, feel free to post your questions here.


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