Allowing dropdown and multiselect fields to be searched by pressing the first letter of the value

6 Commentaires

  • Dave Dyson
    Community Moderator

    Out of curiosity, what's your use case for having a dropdown list of your customers?

  • Viktor Hristovski

    HiDave Dyson, our company makes exclusive contracts with companies (our customers) and then all of their employees become our clients . When they register for our service, they use their personal emails so also when reaching out to our support. So we cant use organizations from zendesk , but then when manually triaging the client we find out what company he works for and we select a customer from our dropdown field. Hope this makes sense...

  • Viktor Osetrov
    Hello Viktor,

    Thanks for your clarification. Yes, the drop-down field' search is auto-populated if you put some value there for searching. Have attached a screenshot of how it looks like from my test account:

    Please notice that thedrop-down field has 2000 value limits.
    Hope it helps
  • Viktor Hristovski

    Viktor Osetrov, thank you - yes, that works in agent mode, but not on the guide sections where end users submit tickets in the user forms.

  • Viktor Osetrov
    Hello Viktor,

    Got you. Unfortunately, the drop-down field is not auto-populated in end-user mode for security reasons.
    Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience with that.

  • Viktor Hristovski

    Viktor OsetrovCan you be more precise? What security can someone break if they use the keyboard to type the choise from a dropdown?


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