API to retrieve capacity of a group

3 Commentaires

  • Greg Katechis
    Zendesk Developer Advocacy

    Hi Yash! I'm not aware of any functionality that tracks any capacity metrics, although I could see something like this being possible to investigate yourself using custom objects. Is there something that your team has mentioned that they are using on this topic?

  • Yash Bhatt

    Hey Greg, my team is in search of an api that can return the capacity (max no of work items that can be assigned to a particular group at a time) and availability of a group as a result we can make use of this information in a feature of our product.

    Do we have these group level apis in Zendesk or we need to work with agent level apis only.

  • Greg Katechis
    Zendesk Developer Advocacy
    We do not have anything that tracks metrics at the group level at this time.

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