Attachments (file not link) via trigger for automated transfer

4 Commentaires

  • Bailey Whitaker-Lea
    亚博ZendeskProduct Manager

    Hithyssenkrupp Rasselstein GmbHPM for Triggers & Automations here.

    Do you mind providing a little more detail on the trigger action you are using?

    Do you also have theinclude attachments settingenabled?


  • thyssenkrupp Rasselstein GmbH

    A forwarding of messages via trigger and mail will not add the original file to the message (side conversation etc.). This would be of interested because we would like to send the purchase orders also to an order entry system, so that they can be automatically created.


  • Bailey Whitaker-Lea
    亚博ZendeskProduct Manager

    Got it, so you need to send the order info to another system. Is your current trigger using a webhook? Email? External app? Something else?

    Knowing which trigger action you are currently using will help me route this request to the appropriate PM for prioritization.

  • thyssenkrupp Rasselstein GmbH

    Nothing finally implemented. I just tried to figer out a way how the file cn be transferred.


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