Consolidated View for Internal Notes

3 Commentaires

  • Nicole Saunders
    Zendesk Community Manager

    Thanks for sharing your feedback, Jacob!

    If other users have a similar need, please up-vote Jacob's post, and share additional details in the comments below.

    请注意,所有功能请求posted to the community are read and captured, but not everything can be responded to by the product team.

  • Sydney Neubauer

    +1. I use internal notes to draft up responses (yes I know of draft mode but it still sends it which is what we don't want). And when you do this enough, it is quite a lot to look at

  • James Hanley
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Hey folks, James here from the Product team.

    I wanted to share this marketplace app;Event Manager Pro, which might be able to help capture agent notes and present that in the interaction history at the time and date they are created.

    Additionally, the Interaction History can be filtered, so that allows agents to easily find and read historical notes.

    Hope this helps.



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