Get the "Suspended" status of a Request

4 Commentaires

  • Darren Bell

    Title correction: "How to get the "Suspended" status of a Requester?"

  • Gabriel Manlapig
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Darren,

    We're not sure if we fully understand your question here, but is it correct that you want to generate a report in Explore to display suspended end users / requesters? If not, can you further elaborate your use case and what do you want to achieve?

    Any additional information is helpful. Thank you!

  • Darren Bell

    Yes that is correct. Just a simple list of Name/Organisation and if they are suspended or not. I just cannot see the Column to add in Explore.

    I know I can do this in the Search but we have over 3000+ Suspended users from years of use, and i need to export the list.

  • Gabriel Manlapig
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Darren,

    We have checked ourMetrics and attributes for Zendesk Supportand there are some attributes like "Requester status" that you can use to get the suspended status of a requester. Please see sample report below:

    We have used the advanced search to compare the results with the following search operator:


    我们或e getting the same result with advanced search and explore data.

    Alternatively, you can use theAdvanced Search app, as the data result can be exported as a CSV file.

    I hope that helps. Thank you!


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