I suggest displaying private articles with security icons in GUIDE to encourage registrations.

2 Commentaires


    And to add...In an era where phones quickly refresh pages and the posts you care about are gone in an instant, Zendesk can be very helpful by allowing users to save the URL of those fleeting posts in comments or articles, and archive them immediately in "my activities". It is ideal for those whose creativity stems from certain ideas. I think Zendesk still doesn't highlight its potential enough, and with minor tweaks, its GUIDE product could be the go-to for medical professionals, engineers, and lawyers who need constant access to scientific articles. While there are useful platforms for organizing those links, they're missing all the big guns that come with Zendesk plans.

  • Nicole Saunders
    Zendesk Community Manager

    Thanks for providing this feedback,AAHHOO®. If other users have similar needs, please add your comments and up-vote if you like this suggestion.


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